Get the Most From Your Hearing Aids — Join the Books By Mail Program
The Brooklyn Public Library offers a free program called Books by Mail that we think you will not only enjoy but also benefit from!
Books by Mail offers you:
- Access to all the books in the library
- Home, senior-living centers, and assisted-living place delivery
- Books in foreign languages
- Books in larger print
- Books on tape
- Plus more!
Why you want to sign up
But — how does this benefit you? Reading is not only a great escape or learning tool, it’s also wonderful for helping you break in your hearing aids. You may remember us talking about aural rehabilitation, which focuses on adjusting to your hearing loss and making the best use of your hearing aids or assistive devices.
Reading and being read to aloud helps you and your family:
- Adjust to your technology quickly and efficiently
- Reintroduce your brain to the essential sounds of your daily life
- Understand your hearing loss better
- Improve your communication skills
- Increase your social interaction and confidence
Another great feature of Books by Mail is that the person who delivers your materials also stays and can read aloud with you or vice versa.
How to get it
To be a part of the Books by Mail program, all it takes is submitting a simple form. If you’re interested, download and complete the following document to us, then drop if off or fax it to our office.
Download Application
Brooklyn Public Library Books By Mail Application
Fax for:
Bay Ridge and Sheepshead Bay
(718) 833-5866
Fax for:
Central Brooklyn and Brookdale
(718) 613-8557